About us
Orsett Village Hall is situated at the junction of High Road and Mill Lane, Orsett, Essex. It was built in 1972, with a meeting room Annexe added in 2006.
Orsett Village Hall is dedicated to enriching the lives of the local community in the Orsett area. Our volunteers work all year round to maintain the hall for the community and bring a range of activities to your doorstep.
The AGM is usually held in June and people from the local village community are welcome to join us. If you would like to join the Orsett village hall volunteer committee group please get in contact. We share fundraising ideas, welcome new skills and interests, make decisions on how to best serve the community and the hirers and benefit the hall charity to continue to create a bright, welcoming space for future generations.
Orsett Village Hall is leased from the local council and is run by a Management Committee made up of local residents, mostly volunteers and has done for the past 50 years since it opened its doors in 1972. This year in 2022 we celebrate with the village community that has been brought together for so many years by the hall. Many people of the village will remember attending the playgroup when they were younger or attending one of the many events, gatherings, social evenings, birthday parties, clubs or maybe a family wedding reception there.
The volunteer committee meet 6 times a year, and any resident is welcome to join the committee and to have a say in the way the hall is run. The management committee oversee the day to day running of the hall and manage bookings, cleaning, repairs and maintenance. You can find out more about how your local hall is run by reading the minutes and the constitution. If you would like to have a say in the running of the hall or have any ideas you'd like to share please come along to the AGM or drop us an email.
The AGM is usually held in June and will be advertised on the foyer notice board, outside entrance notice board and our website.
Orsett Village Hall Tour (video).
PLEASE NOTE: Tables and chairs are available and included at the hall as part of your hire, however if you are holding a wedding event and have a preferred supplier to dress the hall and supply your furniture, as seen in the following video, you are welcome to do so.
SUCCESS isn't just about what you accomplish in your life IT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU INSPIRE others to do.
The hall is home to the Orsett Playgroup, various associations including the Orsett Women's Institute, and Orsett Indoor Bowls Club, and is regularly rented out to religious groups, dance academies, theatre companies, and fitness clubs. For more information on the hall's users, please visit the 'What's on?' page or view the noticeboard outside the hall's main entrance.
Should you be in search of a new location and are interested in establishing a new or existing club at our village hall on a regular basis, we would be delighted to discuss this with you.
Contact us at bookings.orsettvillagehall@gmail.com.